It was a nice two-week respite during which I ignored politics and watched hours upon hours of the Olympics, even when I knew in advance the results. But as of Monday morning, I was going through Olympics withdrawal. No more Michael Phelps, no more Sanya Richards, no more beach volleyball, no more indoor volleyball! Oh the agony! But the political conventions will get me through to the start of NFL football and the final four weeks of the pennant races.
I've never been a volleyball fan, but, aside from the spectacular swimming events the first week, both the indoor and the outdoor volleyball competitions really caught my interest this time. The American men's team's gold-medal finish was especially sweet.
And it was hard not to be impressed by the opening and closing ceremonies. I can't imagine how many hundreds of people were involved, but China put on quite a show. Now let's see what the Brits do four years from now.
Now this week I'm watching the political coverage from morning to midnight. I seldom turn to the Republican news channel, otherwise known as Fox News (you know, "fair and balanced" and all that hogwash?). Every time I do, they seem to be interviewing some Republican. I wonder whom they will talk to next week in St. Paul?
One of the sweet moments of Monday's TV coverage was Chris Matthews of MSNBC pumping a wacko woman out in the crowd for details about the "17-page report" allegedly proving that Barack Obama is a Muslim that she was waving around. What a bunch of nut jobs politics brings out of the woodwork!
Tonight we get rid of one of the Clintons, and tomorrow night we are finished with the other. Hopefully by week's end most of the Hillary crowd will "get it" that the ballgame is over and they have lost. It was close, yes, but it's over and they have lost.
Next week I suspect I will not write a blog about the other convention. If I've heard once that Sen. McCain spent 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war, I've heard it a thousand times. I get it. I admire his service to the country, but since when is the presidency a reward for time served? Oh well.
The conventions as they are these days are probably pointless, but it's the system we have in place. Better to be watching (and later voting) than not showing any interest at all.
And speaking of that, do you who are going back to college have your voting situation in order for the general election? Do you know when absentee ballots will be available from your county auditor back home? Will you make the effort and do your duty or simply ignore it because it's too much trouble. You tell me.
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Considering there is only ONE non biased (FOX) network, your bashing it is not called for. They present both sides. How about the dozens of other (very Democrat slanted) channels - which are VERY biased????? Open your ears and eyes when you watch TV next time.
I have lost all respect for you -
Dear Anonymous,
"lost all respect?"
That seems to be a comment made in the heat of the moment. Either that or you don't know Parker. Parker was my music teacher in High School in the 70's. Unless he's changed I know him as a modest, kind, gentle, warm, loving, down to Earth, family guy type. I don't lose respect for a man due to his political opinions.
You must know that Parker is/was not only teacher but a journalist. Knowing that and the fact that he was a TEACHER who TAUGHT JOURNALISM!!! (Does NEA come to mind?) It should not surprise you that someone with that background would see Fox News calling itself "fair and balanced," as "hogwash."
We know from actual polling of journalists themselves that MOST are liberal. Plus there are other stories from the Journalists themselves such as this one - - that you can dig the info out if you read it carefully --- " identified 143 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission. Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties." ---
Now the Democrat candidate, Obama, has come out swinging against Fox News. He has said that he would be up about 3 or 4 points if not for Fox News. LOL! Since the organizations in the tank for Obama include - CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, Rueters, AP, LA Times, he says ONE cable network, Fox News is holding him back. Haaaaaaaaaa! If it were not for these organizations that are clearly in the tank for him, there would be no Obama! Now, since I am sure that the liberals see all the "Obama" news organizations as "right down the middle," wouldn't it make sense that they see Fox News as "far right wing." You must have empathy here. It is all a matter of perception.
You won't change a man's view of the world who has been around as long as Parker. One who I am sure thought Walter Cronkite was the most "fair and balanced" anchor since Dan Rather. lol.
I think you must separate the man from his politics when discussing "respect." Come on now. Think about it. Think with your brain, rather than your "feelings." We know which team thinks with their emotions. And we know which party takes advantage of that fact.
Steve Lomheim
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