Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy new year . . . belatedly

Hello, all of you (all 5 of you):

It's already Jan. 11, so it's about time to put something---anything!---on this site. I have determined (resolved, as in New Year's resolutions, you know?) to write regularly here. A snide comment from a reader of my weekly Pierre-area Midweek Update, who didn't like what I said about his LSU football team and their being called "national champions" despite having lost to two teams in its own conference, persuaded me to save my personal remarks and retorts for this site and keep the Update to just spreading around the news of the Pierre gang. So read on.

I'll be back soon. I'm also writing a column monthly for my friends at the Custer Chronicle with whom I worked for 2 years, 4 months, from January 2005 to April 2007. I'll post that endeavor here, too. In fact, you may even read it here first!

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