Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thoughts on a cold winter's day

Late last night when I let Oliver out for his last trip outside, the wind had begun to blow as predicted. We heard it howling through the night. This morning yesterday's balmy day with temps in the 30s and melted snow running down the street had given way to renewed winter. The wind, which had broken off a limb in the neighbor's tree, was gusting up to 50 MPH, and the snow was swirling horizontally. It was cold! Oliver took a couple of whiffs of the air this morning and ran right back to the back door of the house. Enough of this, he apparently thought!

But now, nearing 1 p.m., the sun is out, the snow has long gone to Iowa, it is still breezy, and it is still cold. Even here in the house with the furnace going, there is a chill that is hard to overcome. . . . . .

I spent an hour this morning watching NFL.com where they were showing live the Media Day press conferences at the Super Bowl site in Arizona. I watched Tom Brady's, of course. He is a genuinely nice guy, smooth, polished, talented and all, but genuinely nice. Go, Patriots! . . . . .

Pathetic were the Republicans on one side of the aisle in the House chamber last night as President Bush delivered his last (thankfully!) State of the Union address. Up and down, up and down; the Republicans were like jumping jacks, standing to applaud seemingly at the end of every paragraph of the speech.

Just as pathetic is all the talk this morning about a single picture snapped by a photographer in the balcony. A split-second photograph! Some people are trying to make it appear that Sen. Obama is "snubbing" Sen. Clinton as she reached over a row of chairs to greet and shake hands with Sen. Kennedy. Perhaps, seeing her approaching Kennedy, Obama (considering that Kennedy had endorsed him so dramatically earlier in the day) intentionally looked away to greet somebody else so that Sen. Clinton and Sen. Kennedy could greet each other without any awkwardness because of his (Obama's) presence? There must be something better to spend hours discussing on the politics shows this morning. . . . . .

During the years Kevin Garnett was with the Timberwolves in Minnesota, I always admired his determination, 100% effort, etc. So the Wolves let him go so he could have his chance at a championship. But the other night when the Celtics played the Wolves in Minneapolis for the first time since the big trade last summer, Garnett, after making the steal that saved the game for Boston, went bonkers at midcourt, holding the word "Celtics" on his shirt out from his chest and hooting and hollering. Maybe just a moment he would like to have back? Or maybe he's not quite as classy as I thought. Anyway, now I have my own reason to cheer against yet another Boston team. Except for the Patriots, of course, but they're way out in the country, so we don't call them "Boston," but rather New England. I can't think of anything that would make me switch allegiance and cheer against them! . . . . .

Time for some lunch. Talk to you soon!

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