Friday, June 13, 2008

'A death in the family'

I had shut off the TV for a couple of hours this afternoon because, after procrastinating all week, I had to get music organized for a performance I have to do next week, so I stumbled upon the news of Tim Russert's death when I rechecked e-mail. So I flipped on the TV, of course, to hear some of the comments, not only on MSNBC but on CNN and even Fox News Channel.

Having spent every Tuesday night of the primary season from Iowa back in early January on through South Dakota in June, I can say that indeed it does seem like "a death in the family" as one of the commentators just stated.

As another said, he was one of the newsmen that could be trusted to grill both political sides equally strongly. I can't imagine "Meet the Press" or Election Night coverage without him.

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