Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Peanut butter cookies on Election Day

A young woman just came to the front door. "Are you Tom or Steve?" she asked. Assured I am neither, she shook her head and said, "Hmm, these lists are so outdated." Oh, really? Whatever candidate she was pushing didn't matter to me since I voted this morning at 8:30. . . . . .

Too bad neither Obama nor Clinton is in South Dakota tonight. No network live cut-ins, "Live from Sioux Falls, South Dakota." But there should be a couple of interesting speeches tonight, considering how the networks have been talking for the past six hours about whether Hillary will concede or not and considering that Sen. Obama will probably have more than 20,000 in the Xcel Energy Center tonight as he notes the nomination has been clinched. . . . . .

The storms that pounded Pierre and that part of the state during the evening apparently reached our little corner of the state overnight. The radio this morning said we had more than an inch of rain (again!) in Vermillion, but the driveway was already dry when I took Oliver out for the first time this morning by about 6:30. There certainly is no need to water the lawn these days; Mother Nature is doing it on a regular basis all by herself. . . . . .

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